At this time all indoor events at Muir Lake Hall have been cancelled until further notice. We hope to re open March, 2021.
If you have any questions, please email

Muir Lake Community Hall

Kids Soccer
Muir Lake Hall is dependent on volunteers to run the Spring Kids Sports Program.
We are needing parent volunteers to coach and ref games!
Coaches and refs will be refunded registration for 1 child and their fundraising fee!

This is a FUN League, there are NO Boundaries.
Game nights are under the direction of Parkland Fun Ball and Soccer League and include teams across Parkland County. Our home fields are at Meridian Sports Park (MSP).
Away games may be at Blueberry, Duffield, Graminia, Onoway, Wabamun or Devon. All teams are co-ed and team placement is determined by the player’s age as of December 31 – players may play up an age level (with a waiver) at the discretion of the coordinator.
Weather permitting, the season runs mid April to mid June with a Sports Tournament Weekend held in June.
Shin guards are MANDATORY for all age levels. Soccer socks are optional, but shin guards must be covered at all times. Regulation shoes are also optional, however, no metal or pointed cleats allowed. Jerseys will be supplied by MLCL.
Important Dates
Online Sports Registration
Soccer starts the week of April 18th
(weather depending)
Sports Tournament
Registration is $60/per player + $20 Community League Membership/per family + $175 fundraising deposit per family (paid up front and refunded after bingo/casino).
All our kids’ sports programs run with parent volunteers, therefore, no coaches, no teams.
Coaches & Assistants are offered reduced fees.
Please follow the registration instructions below as they have changed.
To register for Kids Soccer:
Step 1: Sign up for a Muir Lake Membership, unless you have a current 2024 membership as they expire yearly. The membership number provided on the card is required to register for sports.
Any issues with your membership please contact
Step 2: Complete the Sports Registration Form.
One form is required for each child, in each sport.
Step 3: Submit your Sports Fundraising Deposit.
ONLY One fundraising deposit is required for each family.
If you are having issues completing any of the forms, please email our administrator,
they will get back to you a soon as possible.
All teams, except U6
have a 1-hour practice on Mondays
at Meridian Sports Park
(either 6:30 or 7:30).
Travel/home games are 1 hour on the following nights:
U8 - Tues 6:30 (ages 6&7)
U10 - Thurs 6:30 (ages 8&9)
U12 - Wed 6:30 (ages 10&11)
U6– Wed 6:30 (ages 4&5)
Players must be 4 on or before Feb 28 to participate. One practice/game night, no travel