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Muir Lake Community League (MLCL) operates under a board of executives, which are voted in annually. It takes many families and individuals to make MLCL the amazing place that it is. The MLCL facilitates programs and events throughout the year thanks to the hard work and big hearts of its volunteers. Muir Lake offers many opportunities for those that want to get involved.


Hall rentals provide the necessary funding in order to support MLCL, and the beautiful space we maintain to host various community programs and events.

Please check out what's involved/required in all the positions. If you are interested in joining please email we will be in touch with you shortly. 

The Executive Board

President - Burke Atkinson

Vice President - Aine O'Connor

Director - Cliff Goerz

Director - Hermann Gratzfeld

Director - Ken Johnson

Secretary - Melissa Vasilin

Memberships - Amy Babichuk

Website Editor - VACANT

Fundraising - Lori Baryluk

Sports - Amy Babichuk

Events - Wendy Roberts

School Liaison - Deanne Johnson

Social Media - VACANT

Maintenance - VACANT

Non- Voting Executive

Treasurer - Tara Filliol

Rental Coordinator - Chantel Lavoie

Auxiliary Officers

Playschool Liaison - Jessica

H&T Bingo - Melissa Vasilin

Markets - Barb Gratzfeld

Garage Sale  - Michelle Kellar

Halloween  - Deanne Johnson

New Years - Michelle Kellar

Kids Ball  - VACANT

Kids Soccer - VACANT

Adult Ball - Barb Gratzfeld

Coaches (Sports) - VACANT

53424 Hwy 779
Parkland County, AB, T7Y 0A2

Hall Location: 53424 SH 779

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